Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Honor and awards 2014-2015

honor title California State Senate Certificate of Recognition honor date  2014 honor issuer Mark Leno State Senator, 11th District
honor description John Nulty Congratulations as you celebrate the very notable occasion of the anniversary of your birth. Your years as an activist have touched many lives in your community. Your efforts on behalf of others have helped to inspire others in the pursuit of justice. Congratulations and  happy birthday!

            honor title California State Assembly Certificate of Recognition honor date December 2015 honor issuer Philip y. Ting Assembly member 19th District
honor description North of Market Business Association 7th Anniversary  Commemorating the North of Market Business Association on the occasion of its 7th Anniversary. Your dedication to serving neighborhood small businesses is commendable.

            honor title California State Senate Certificate of Recognition honor date January 2016 honor issuer Mark Leno State Senator 11th District
honor description Tenderloin Future Collaborative Special Distinction Award Congratulations as you are honored by the Alliance for a Better District 6 in recognition of your 15th years of connecting neighbors in order form a safer community.  Through your regular informational forums and community meetings, you provide much-needed information and resources that help to build a stronger community.  Congratulations!

            honor title San Francisco Board of Superior's Certificate of Honor date January 2016 honor issuer Full Board of Supervisors for the City ad County of San Francisco
honor description Tenderloin Future Collaborative In recognition of the 15 years that Tenderloin Futures Collaborative has provided a monthly informational forum to build a better Tenderloin neighborhood through an exchange of information and concerns. On behalf of the City and County of San Francisco, the Board of Supervisors extend it highest commendation and honor.

            honor title California State Assembly Certificate of Recognition honor date January 2016 honor issuer Philip Y. Ting Assembly member 19th District
honor description Tenderloin Future Collaborative Special Distinction Award Commemorating the Tenderloin Future Collaborative on the occasion of receiving a Special Distinction Award from the Alliance for a Better District 6. Congratulations on 15 years of bringing together Tenderloin residents to build a stronger neighborhood.

            honor title State of California State Board of Equalization resolution honor date January 2016 honor issuer California State of Equalization Fiona Ma, CPA , District 2
honor description Join with Alliance for a Better District 6 in Recognizing Tenderloin Future Collaborative Special Distinction Awardee  17th Anniversary Prestigious Awards in Recognition of the 15 years Tenderloin Future Collaborative  provided monthly informational forum to build a better Tenderloin neighborhood through an exchange of information and concerns.  Congratulation and Best Wishes for Continued Success.

            honor title Congresswomen Nancy Pelosi Certicate of Special Congressional Recognition honor date January 2015 honor issuer Congresswomen Nancy Pelosi, U.S House of Representatives

honor description Tenderloin Futures Collaborative , Alliance for  a Batter District 6 Special Distinction Award in recognition of outstanding and invaluable serve to the community.

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